What is a Pro Forma Cap Table?
A pro forma balance sheet, commonly abbreviated as a Pro Forma Statement of Capital, is a standard format for most financial statements used by businesses to provide management information. The sheets are extremely useful for tracking funding requests and debt obligations. A typical accountant will use a pro forma statement of capital to determine the short term and long term viability of a company's capital raising and business operations. Investors typically rely on this information to make investment decisions.
A pro forma cap table, also called a statement of earnings, is a spreadsheet which presents the current value of an investment's cash flow over one or more years. The spreadsheet uses data collected by the investor over the course of a year to sum up the total amount of shares of stock that would be owned at the end of the year, if the investor had no liabilities and no assets. The spreadsheet then combines the investor's data with the current market price per share of the stock to summarize the company's intrinsic value. This information can help investors decide whether the current price per share is sufficient to pay for the tangible assets of the enterprise, if an exit plan is required, and whether the enterprise can continue making dividend payments in the future. An experienced accountant can calculate the correct value of the firm's stock using this method.
The primary purpose of this type of balance sheet is to provide investors and management with a summary of the assets and liabilities of the corporation. However, an accurate representation of the organization's ownership structure can only be determined using the information provided in the last section of the document. Determining the ownership structure of an emerging company requires that the owners have enough ownership shares to create a liquidity pool. Once these shareholders are established, they can buy more shares from the corporation by creating a line of credit. Alternatively, the owners may sell all their shares and create one large ownership stake. These two methods allow small investors to participate in the financing of the corporation without creating a financial risk.
startups of the advantages of using a pro forma cap table to determine the value of stock is that it provides the investors with a relative idea of how much each share of stock is worth. The value of the overall holdings of the corporation is determined by adding the net shares of ownership to the net total of all shares. For example, when the number of shares outstanding is six hundred, the owners are only entitled to five hundred shares. When startups is computed by dividing the number of shares by their value, six hundred divided by five hundred results in just over one percent per share. Investors who purchase shares of stock based on this methodology will get a sense of how much the corporation's overall profits are.
The pro forma Cap tables also allow owners to show the effect of dividends and capital gains by showing the gain or loss in the net worth per share. Dividends are payments received by the shareholders from the corporation and capital gains occur when any increase in the value of the shares accrues to the shareholder. Most investors focus on the dividend payment itself. However, a portion of any increase in value is profit for the owner. This is also beneficial information for potential investors who do not have enough shares of stock to represent a significant percentage of ownership.
A pro forma Cap table can be used to provide other types of financial information to investors. For example, if an owner sells all their shares, or a majority of them, before the company becomes public, they become eligible to receive a listing on the New York Stock Exchange. This allows potential shareholders to buy shares of ownership without waiting for the company to become publicly traded. Another advantage of this method is that there is no need to wait for meetings of the Board of Directors to confirm the sale. The investor can sell shares immediately after being informed of the transaction.
startups is used to inform investors of an intention to sell the company. It gives the reason for the transaction, as well as a plan of action for how the seller wants to close the deal. Investors must purchase at least 50% of the shares and must complete the deal within a specific period of time. Correctly completing an exit plan provides investors with an opportunity to obtain a high return on investment.
Investors can create pro forma cap tables in Excel to record the investment they have made. These documents can be shared with other investors or with company management so that all details are included. Investors can also use these documents for tax purposes. Pro forma tables provide an accurate analysis of a companies' financial position. They allow all shareholders to see the exact amount of capital needed to operate, as well as how much each share will be worth upon sale.